Support the Evans Family Walk Across Kenya
This June the Evans family, led by Dr. Charlie Evans, will be walking in support of the Lalmba Association and the work we do in Kenya.
This June, I will walk across the great Rift Valley of Kenya with my family to raise funds for Lalmba. Dan went on TNM 2019, but the others have only heard the stories. We hope to raise $50,000 to develop a maternity ward in the village where Lalmba works.
When I worked in the project from 1988-1990 we graduated two large classes of lay midwives in 1989 and 1990. This made a huge difference. Yet today, Kenya has a maternal mortality rate of 414/100,000 live births — more than 15 times the rate in the United States. Still, almost 50% of deliveries have no skilled attendant in our region.
It has long been a dream of mine to help establish a maternity center in Matoso, a village at the end of the road on the shore of Lake Victoria just 10 miles from the Tanzania border. Developing a safe place for mothers to labor and deliver their children with a skilled attendant is the next step required for eliminating maternal mortality in childbirth. I feel so privileged to return to Kenya with my family to help contribute this ray of hope. All of my family are funding their own trip. 100 percent of your donation will go toward the dream of a maternity center. With much gratitude and thanks.
Here are some photos of the team!
The Evans Family Walk Across Kenya